Alex had pink eye this past week - it flared up last friday and we took him to the ER on saturday. I stayed home with him Monday and it's better now, except now I have it!! ICKY!! Mine flaired up yesterday and I went to the ER (the clinic had already closed), and they gave me the same medicine alex had. I think I caught my flare up in time and I hope it will go away before I have to go back to school on monday. I stayed home from school today, but I still had to work. It was fine while I was at work, and not even the dog hair bothered it, like I thought it would.
On another note - i've reconnected with a whole bunch of old friends from Australia and New Zealand through facebook, and it's been so much fun learning about everyone and hearing about their lives now. The weirdest thing is now I am having horrible dreams about my past. I hope it will pass. Through this reconnection I have realized how lucky I have been, and how many people have influenced my life in both good and bad ways. I think that my actions have been the bad ways, however. And I've realized how I have taken advantage of people and the opprotunities I have had. That sucks. Maybe that's why I've been having bad dreams.
What else has happened?
Oh - we went on a picnic last sunday and played frisbee and soccer. That was lots of fun.
Alex can crawl! HEAVEN HELP US ALL!!!!! Haha. He still kind of army-crawls, but he's getting there. My life is officially over!! No more leaving alex alone in a room. I think it's time I pulled out his playpen again and he can crawl around in circles in that!!
I went to the neurologist this week for my wrist/arm. She ran some tests and declared I have nerve damage in my wrist (on the OPPOSITE side of the injury/surgery scar- weird!). But then she has referred me to a hand therapist to see if there is anything they can do. All the tests she ran, however, have made my wrist WORSE this past couple of days - but hopefully it will get better. It also doesn't help that I have started throwing bigger and bigger lumps of clay (3-7 pounds) and before I was throwing about 1 pound balls. But, it's so much easier with more!! I just kind of grin and bear it to get through the day - but I can't live with this pain for much longer. They have got to do something!!!!
Well. Drew is getting up early to go to the casinos in Paducah tomorrow for the day (it's about and hour and half away) and I have alex all day - so I need to get some sleep. I will leave you with some pictures.
The drawing is my final for my Drawing 2 class - a self portrait of me and alex. It is unfinished right now, but I have put about 5 hours worth of work on it so far. The others are from our picnic last weekend.
Good night all!!

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