I hope everyone had a fabulous New Years and that everyone was safe. We had a small gathering at our house, which included Heather and Ben coming in from Indiana and Michelle and her son, Cody, coming up from Georgia. Heather and Michelle headed to bed shortly after 12 and Jessica and I passed out about 1 in my bed, to be woken up around 1.30 by Drew and James, then Drew and Jessica switched spots and the Kerski's went home.
We had fun and much Champagne was drank by all.
Today I have been doing some reflecting, and although I have changed a lot about myself in the past year, there are still a bunch of things I need to work on, including the way I treat some people. This is my New Years Resolution.
As far as Drew and Alex's.... who knows. I made up Alex's and that was for him to learn how to speak! Haha. I know I will be dreading this decision shortly, but for right now, I can't wait for him to speak and to start telling me great and fabulous things and for me to understand them. Right now he tells me great and fabulous things, but it comes out in Swahili, and unfortunately I don't have a translator.
So, I leave you with a picture from when Drew's parents were here for an early Christmas. Three Hosford generations.
So long, and be safe.
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