Well, we psuedo-Tennessean's made it to New Mexico and back in one piece. Although Alex did almost loose his shoe on the people mover at the Denver elevator. Thankfully, we got the shoe back, but not the leg... we are currently in litigation with a man who claims it's his, but obviously it's ours.
YES! we had fun.
YES! drew got to go to a freakin casino.
YES! Only one of us got sick (drew's karma for going to the casino).
YES! Alex was a bear on the way home, but
YES! He slept for 11 hours! (I haven't slept through this side of 8 am in a year and a half).
Not only did we see my fabulous Aunt and Grandmother, we also got to see my brother who I didn't think was going to be in town till the 2nd. But, ALAS! We got to hang out and go to lunch.
Having lived in the Mid-West off and on for about 10 years now, going back to the SOUTH-West is always an adventure. It's like a completely different world out there. Not just because of all the stray she-buddies running around, but also the architecture, landscape and the people are just amazing. The older I get and the more I go out there I begin to want to move there. It would also be nice to be closer to my family, especially as Alex is getting older. But, Drew wants to move back to Indianapolis, which is also fine, I just hope he realizes the cost of plane tickets as our family expands!!
I went to New Mexico 3 times this years.... that's a RECORD for me! I figured I had to make up for the past 7 years that I have hardly gone there at all.
Christmas was fun, Alex was finally old enough to realize, kinda, what was going on. We had fun in the Snow in Gallup as well. On Christmas Eve I did my grand-daughter duties and took my grandmother to evening Mass, which brought back memories of going when I was little with both grandparents and made me sad. But it was just great.
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