Sunday, December 7, 2008

What's with today, today?

I've been in such a crazy mood all day. And, on top of that, I've had a horrible headache. At first I thought it was a hangover cuz I had me some beerz last night, but It's been all day. I think I should probably start actually WEARING the glasses I have sitting on my dresser. Ha!
Well, I'm trying to get Christmas ready, which is a feat!!! Drew's parents will be here in 10 days and we are having that Christmas early, so it's been crazy shopping time, and wrapping and craziness. I'm sending all of MY families stuff back to NM for the Christmas we will have there, but half of it is still in the Kiln at school, or in the process of being FIRED that I haven't gotten it all boxed up yet. Bleh.
I've decided to take time off of school. Drew gets out of the army in 16 months and I will be able to go to school without taking loans, so we are going to wait until then for me to go back. It's good and bad. I'm still working at Petsmart but we've been so slow!!! And I haven't worked in two weeks because of Finals and whatnot.
Alex is up and walking, being CRAZY. I can't beleive how fast he has grown, just yesterday he was sleeping in between drew and I in bed. It's making want to have another baby. I don't know how people can't want ONE more after they see how much fun the first one is. Yeah, it's really stressful sometimes, and sometimes I loose my cool, but jeez, alex is just so much FUN. CAPITAL F U N.

Maybe next year ;).

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